Juan García Oliver

FAI Labor Unionist and Anti-Fascist Militant During the Spanish Civil War

1901 — 1980

Description : ...a native of Catalonia and member of the Catalan Regional Committee of the C.N.T. or National Labor Federation, where he was a close associate of Buenaventura Durruti. He led a group in battle against the military uprising of July 1936 in Barcelona, occupying the women's prison and releasing all its prisoners. (From : Blood of Spain Bio)

Tags : anarchist, anarcho-syndicalist, labor unionist, cntf, syndicalist party, fai, cnt-fai, spanish, spanish revolution, spanish civil war.

Quotes :

"If these syndicates are of an anarchist orientation and their militants have been formed by an anarchist moral then, to presuppose that they'll act the same as if they were Marxist, for example, is as good as saying that anarchism and Marxism are fundamentally the same ideology, being as they produce the same fruit. I don't accept such simplifications." (From : "Wrong Steps: Errors in the Spanish Revolution," by Juan Garcia Oliver.)
"We had no use for anything connected to the past, a past which had in some ways sunk already, but which would still make inexhaustible attempts to reassert itself. All revolutions carry with them a counter revolution. A Revolution is a forward murch from ac ertain point, whereas counter revolution is a return to that point, or in some cases to a point that is further back." (From : "Wrong Steps: Errors in the Spanish Revolution," by Juan Garcia Oliver.)
"Without this demonstration that we can build Libertarian Socialism, the future will continue to belong to the sort of politics that came out of the French Revolution -- with many political parties to begin with, and just one at the end." (From : "Wrong Steps: Errors in the Spanish Revolution," by Juan Garcia Oliver.)

Biography :

Juan García Oliver 1

Garcia Oliver was a native of Catalonia and member of the Catalan Regional Committee of the C.N.T. or National Labor Federation, where he was a close associate of Buenaventura Durruti. He led a group in battle against the military uprising of July 1936 in Barcelona, occupying the women's prison and releasing all its prisoners.

During the Spanish Civil War, Garcia Oliver served as secretary of the Catalan Defense Council. When it became apparent that the Republican troops needed a central system of organization, he was one of the C.N.T.'s delegates to the Madrid Government. He later became Minister of Justice to the Republican Government. As such, he acted on the philosophy that crime was the product of social deficencies and that criminals should be treated, not punished.

SOURCES: Fraser, Roland. Blood of Spain New York: Pantheon Books, 1979.

Jellinek, Frank. The Civil War in Spain New York: Howard Fertig, Inc., 1969.

From : Anarchy Archives.

Chronology :

November 30, 1900 : Juan García Oliver's Birth Day.
November 30, 1979 : Juan García Oliver's Death Day.
November 15, 2016 : Juan García Oliver's Added.
January 09, 2022 : Juan García Oliver's Updated.

Links :

Anarchy Archives: Juan García Oliver Archive
Wikipedia: Juan García Oliver

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