Aims and Principles of MACG

People :

Author : Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG)

Text :

Anarchism is a social philosophy based upon the principles of liberty, equality and solidarity. Anarchists aim to create a society founded on this basis and operating by voluntary cooperation. An anarchist society can be achieved only by a social revolution, made by the working class of the world, which abolishes capitalism and the state. This revolution will require conscious and deliberate organization to prepare for it and carry it out.

As anarchists, we believe that the means we use produce the ends we reach. We therefore organize according to principles we want to see operating in an anarchist society — federalism and processes open to inspection by all members of the organization. This protects equality of participation in decisions and safeguards collective responsibility over their application.

This group aims to be an organization of class struggle revolutionary anarchists who share political positions, articulated in theory, strategy and tactics. We envisage this to be part of a movement composed of many similar groups, some of them engaged in temporary federations for tactical ends, and an anarcho-syndicalist union federation, aiming to encompass the working class of the whole world.


The group aims:

  1. To participate in the workers’ revolution that will pave the way for the construction of an anarchist society; and

  2. To protect the living heritage of the working class, in both its intellectual and organizational forms.

The group develops its strategy and tactics in the world that exists rather than as it wishes it to be. It aims for the defense of the immediate interests of the working class and the development of the consciousness and organization necessary for the workers’ revolution.


The group uses anarchist principles in its operation. Internally, it practices:

  1. Real, functional equality among its members;

  2. Direct democracy;

  3. The use of mandated, recallable and rotatable delegates; and

  4. Federal relations in its affiliations.

In its external activities, it supports:

  1. Working class struggles in defense of living and working standards, democratic rights and working class organizations;

  2. Struggles against sexism, racism, nationalism and all forms of oppression and reactionary ideology;

  3. Direct action; and

  4. Workers’ self-management as both a means and an end.

The group will thus practice:

The group rejects both pacifism and terrorism. Adopting pacifism would render us helpless before our enemies, while to use terrorism would be to join them. Instead, our principle is to recognize the right to use reasonable force in self-defense.


Since any group is the sum, both of its members and the relationships between them, the group consciously embodies the principles of liberty, equality and solidarity. The group reflects on its internal practices to ensure they are in keeping with anarchist principles:


The group is composed of individuals and has a defined membership. Admission to the group is a decision of the members and by application. A joining procedure exists for making this decision.

  1. Membership is open to reliable, convinced revolutionary anarchists who accept the group’s aims and principles and agree to abide by its rules, participate in its activities, and make financial contributions as decided by the group.

  2. The group has the power of expulsion. Due to the inherently divisive nature of this process, a decision to expel a member requires a two thirds majority rather than a consensus. The group has adopted procedures for use in the event that this becomes necessary.

  3. Membership is not open to employers (except of domestic staff solely on grounds of disability), to managers with the right to hire and fire, or to police, prison guards, security guards, or commissioned officers in the armed forces.


The group will maintain a regular exchange of information, analysis, news and views with the local, regional and global anarchist movement. It is open to cooperation for agreed goals with other anarchist groups and non-anarchist groups within the labor movement, provided that the form of cooperation is consistent with anarchist principles. One of the aims of cooperation with non-anarchist groups is winning new adherents to anarchism through the demonstration in practice of the validity of our ideas.

(Source: Retrieved on 10th October 2021 from

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Chronology :

January 16, 2022 : Aims and Principles of MACG -- Added.

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