Editorial (with H.Halliday Sparling)

Untitled Anarchism Editorial (with H.Halliday Sparling)

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Source: “Editorial” Commonweal, Vol 3, No. 51, 1 January 1887, p. 4;
Transcribed: by Ted Crawford.

With this number there is begun a new volume of the Commonweal. For two years it has managed to appear regularly and keep before the public a consistent, unflinching exponent of international Revolutionary Socialism. Difficulties of many kinds have had to be surmounted, and in the future we may confidently look for a hardly less arduous endeavor as the price of a continued and useful existence.

During the two years that have elapsed since the Commonweal was founded the cause of Socialism has made great strides. In every country of the civilized world there is a definite, strong, and increasing Socialist party; while the influence of the untiring propaganda of its advocates is markedly shown in every popular political and social movement. From all directions come tidings of good cheer; everywhere and all the time commercialism, making desperate but futile efforts to regain its ground, contesting vainly every vantage point, is being beaten backward toward the precipice of final destruction.

In the warfare against class-rule and social wrong the Commonweal has borne and will bear its full part. Though there are signs of victory on all hands, and the end of the struggle approaches, yet no strain must be relaxed, no effort cease. Again and again have popular movements been wrecked, because at some period of promise their supporters failed in their vigilance or neglected their labor.

We call upon all men who desire to see the solution of the great problems that befront the laboring people to help us in our task. What we can do shall untiringly be done, but there exist a thousand places into which the light of Socialism has not penetrated, millions of men whom it has not reached. Everyone can help in some way to spread the light. Let each one do his best. Circulate the Commonweal, push Socialistic literature, speak a word in season and out of season for Socialism. Let pass no opportunity of helping on the overthrow of capitalism and the substitution for it of a system of united free labor and fraternal enjoyment.

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