Charlotte Wilson

May 6, 1854 — April 28, 1944

Description : Charlotte M. Wilson was an English Fabian and anarchist who co-founded Freedom newspaper in 1886 with Peter Kropotkin, and edited, published, and largely financed it during its first decade. She remained editor of Freedom until 1895.

Tags : publisher, editor, anarchist, feminist, british, english, fabian, proudhonian, suffragette.

Biography :

Born Charlotte Mary Martin, she was the daughter of a well-to-do physician, Robert Spencer Martin. She was educated at Newnham College at Cambridge University. She married Arthur Wilson, a stockbroker, and the couple moved to London. Charlotte Wilson joined the Fabian Society in 1884 and soon joined its Executive Committee.

At the same time she founded an informal political study group for 'advanced' thinkers, known as the Hampstead Historic Club (also known as the Karl Marx Society or The Proudhon Society[2]). This met in her former early 17th century farmhouse, called Wyldes, on the edge of Hampstead Heath.[3] No records of the club survive but there are references to it in the memoirs of several of those who attended. In her history of Wyldes Mrs Wilson records the names of some of those who visited the house, most of whom are known to have been present at Club meetings.[4] They included Sidney Webb, George Bernard Shaw, Sydney Olivier, Annie Besant, Graham Wallahs, Belfort Bax, Edward Pease, E. Nesbit, Hubert Bland, Karl Pearson, Havelock Ellis, Edward Carpenter, Frank Podmore, Ford Madox Brown, and Olive Schreiner among others. The secretary was Emma Brooke.

The Club first turned its attention to studying Das Kapital read out by a Russian woman in French, and later turned to Proudhon. In 1889 George Bernard Shaw described the Club discussions and how heated they became.[5] Although the Fabian Society and Hampstead Historic Club contained many of the same people, they remained separate. The ideas debated by the Club resulted in the publication of Fabian Essays in Socialism in 1889. This led Shaw to describe Hampstead, and the meetings, as 'the birthplace of middleclass socialism.'.[6]

From :

Works :

Editor of Across the North Sea (August 01, 1887)

Editor of All in All (September 01, 1888)

Editor of Anarchism in South America (February 01, 1888)

Editor of Anarchism Kills Individualism (October 01, 1886)

Editor of Anarchism versus Revolutionary Socialism (August 01, 1890)

Editor of Anarchist Communism Defined and Defended (November 01, 1889)

Editor of Anarchist Communism or Social Democracy (October 01, 1890)

Editor of An Anarchist Community (May 01, 1887)

Editor of Anarchist Literature [Aug, 1887] (August 01, 1887)

Editor of Anarchist Literature [Jun, 1887] (June 01, 1887)

Editor of Anarchist Schools in Chicago (December 01, 1888)

Editor of The Anarchists of Norway (April 01, 1890)

Editor of Anarchy versus Social Democracy (September 01, 1889)

Editor of Another Turn of the Screw (June 01, 1889)

Editor of The Approaching Revolution (November 01, 1889)

Editor of Are We Good Enough? (June 01, 1888)

Editor of The Ballad of Splendid Silence (March 01, 1888)

Editor of Beneath the Thunder-Cloud (August 01, 1887)

Editor of Burying the Dead (April 01, 1888)

Editor of Capitalism in Italy (October 01, 1888)

Editor of The Centenary of the Revolution - Part 2 (October 01, 1889)

Editor of The Chicago Anniversary (December 01, 1888)

Editor of The Chicago Martyrs (November 01, 1888)

Editor of The Chicago Prisoners (September 01, 1887)

Editor of The Chicago Trial (October 01, 1887)

Editor of The Coming Revolution (October 01, 1886)

Editor of The Commune Commemoration (April 01, 1891)

Editor of The Commune of Paris (March 01, 1888)

Editor of Continental Brevities (June 01, 1889)

Editor of A Contrast (November 01, 1887)

Editor of A Critic of Anarchism (October 01, 1887)

Editor of A Dutch Socialist Meeting (May 01, 1887)

Editor of Education by Force (November 01, 1886)

Editor of The Egoist (June 01, 1887)

Editor of The End Set Before Us (June 01, 1887)

Editor of An Enemy of Freedom (September 01, 1887)

Editor of The Enforcement of the Law (June 01, 1887)

Editor of England's Ideal (October 01, 1887)

Editor of Events in France (June 01, 1889)

Editor of Eviction (July 01, 1887)

Editor of Farming in the Southern United States (June 01, 1888)

Editor of Fate-Force Freedom (November 01, 1886)

Editor of A Fine Distinction (February 01, 1888)

Editor of The First Work of the Revolution (August 01, 1887)

Editor of For Good or Ill? (October 01, 1887)

Editor of Forerunners of Anarchism -- Rousseau (May 01, 1887)

Editor of Forward! (November 01, 1887)

Editor of A Free Condition of Society (December 01, 1889)

Editor of Freedom and Property, Part 4 (June 01, 1891)

Editor of Freedom Discussion Meetings [Apr, 1888] (April 01, 1888)

Editor of Freedom Discussion Meetings [Aug, 1888] (August 01, 1888)

Editor of Freedom Discussion Meetings [Dec, 1888] (December 01, 1888)

Editor of Freedom Discussion Meetings [Jun, 1888] (June 01, 1888)

Editor of Freedom Discussion Meetings [May, 1888] (May 01, 1888)

Editor of Freedom Discussion Meetings [Nov, 1888] (November 01, 1888)

Editor of Freedom Discussion Meetings [Oct, 1888] (October 01, 1888)

Editor of Freedom -- Opening Preface to the First Volume (October 01, 1886)

Editor of Friend and Foe (August 01, 1887)

Editor of From the Workers' Point of View (December 01, 1886)

Editor of A Further Consideration of Reason-Worship (May 01, 1888)

Editor of A General View (May 01, 1888)

Editor of The Good Old Times (June 01, 1888)

Editor of A Happy New Year (January 01, 1890)

Editor of Home Rule and After (November 01, 1887)

Editor of In Hyde Park - February 13, 1888 (March 01, 1888)

Editor of In Memory of Chicago (November 01, 1889)

Editor of Individual or Common Property [Apr, 1890] (April 01, 1890)

Editor of Individual or Common Property [Aug, 1890] (August 01, 1890)

Editor of Individual or Common Property [Dec, 1889] (December 01, 1889)

Editor of Individual or Common Property [Oct, 1890] (October 01, 1890)

Editor of It Must Not Be (November 01, 1887)

Editor of Justice in England (September 01, 1887)

Editor of Labor and Produce Exchange Banks (April 01, 1888)

Editor of Land Nationalisation (October 01, 1887)

Editor of The Land War (July 01, 1887)

Editor of Law and Order in Ireland, Part 2 (December 01, 1886)

Editor of Law and Order in Ireland, Part 4 (February 01, 1887)

Editor of Law and Order in Ireland, Part 6 (April 01, 1887)

Editor of Law and Order in Ireland, Part 7 (May 01, 1887)

Editor of Law and Order in Ireland, Part 8 (June 01, 1887)

Editor of Law and Order in Ireland, Part 9 (July 01, 1887)

Editor of Law and Order in Ireland, Part 10 (September 01, 1887)

Editor of Law and Order in Ireland, Part 11 (October 01, 1887)

Editor of Law and Order in Ireland, Part 1 (November 01, 1886)

Editor of Leeds and London (August 01, 1890)

Editor of Legal Means (October 01, 1887)

Editor of The Lessons of Today [Jun, 1887] (June 01, 1887)

Editor of The Lessons of Today [May, 1887] (May 01, 1887)

Editor of A Letter from Barcelona (January 01, 1890)

Editor of A Letter from Cape Colony (April 01, 1890)

Editor of Letters Between Workmen (September 01, 1889)

Editor of Local Action (May 01, 1887)

Editor of The Logic of Communism (July 01, 1887)

Editor of The London International Anarchist Congress (April 01, 1891)

Editor of The London Strikes (October 01, 1889)

Editor of Malato Before the Judges (October 01, 1890)

Editor of The Marriage Controversy (October 01, 1888)

Editor of The Match Girls' Strike (August 01, 1888)

Editor of Money (September 01, 1889)

Editor of The Moral Basis of Socialism (November 01, 1888)

Editor of The Movement in Italy (April 01, 1889)

Editor of Names and Opinions (February 01, 1888)

Editor of The Necessity of Communism (September 01, 1887)

Editor of The New Labour Exchange (September 01, 1887)

Editor of News From Spain (October 01, 1889)

Editor of The Nightmare of Money (February 01, 1888)

Editor of North-Western Spindrift on the Ethics of Majority Rule (November 01, 1886)

Editor of Notes [Apr, 1888] (April 01, 1888)

Editor of Notes [Apr, 1889] (April 01, 1889)

Editor of Notes [Apr, 1890] (April 01, 1890)

Editor of Notes [Apr, 1891] (April 01, 1891)

Editor of Notes [Aug, 1887] (August 01, 1887)

Editor of Notes [Aug, 1888] (August 01, 1888)

Editor of Notes [Aug, 1890] (August 01, 1890)

Editor of Notes [Dec, 1886] (December 01, 1886)

Editor of Notes [Dec, 1889] (December 01, 1889)

Editor of Notes [Feb, 1887] (February 01, 1887)

Editor of Notes [Feb, 1888] (February 01, 1888)

Editor of Notes [Jan, 1890] (January 01, 1890)

Editor of Notes [Jun, 1887] (June 01, 1887)

Editor of Notes [Jun, 1888] (June 01, 1888)

Editor of Notes [Jun, 1889] (June 01, 1889)

Editor of Notes [Jun, 1891] (June 01, 1891)

Editor of Notes [Mar, 1888] (March 01, 1888)

Editor of Notes [May, 1888] (May 01, 1888)

Editor of Notes [Nov, 1886] (November 01, 1886)

Editor of Notes [Nov, 1887] (November 01, 1887)

Editor of Notes [Oct, 1886] (October 01, 1886)

Editor of Notes [Oct, 1887] (October 01, 1887)

Editor of Notes [Oct, 1888] (October 01, 1888)

Editor of Notes [Oct, 1890] (October 01, 1890)

Editor of Notes [Sep, 1888] (September 01, 1888)

Editor of Notes [Sep, 1889] (September 01, 1889)

Editor of Notes on Coercion (May 01, 1887)

Editor of Notes on the Socialist Movement (September 01, 1887)

Editor of On Majority Rule as Make-Shift (December 01, 1886)

Editor of Organisation, Free and Unfree (December 01, 1888)

Editor of Our Comrades in Chicago (October 01, 1890)

Editor of Our Discussion Meetings (March 01, 1888)

Editor of A Painter of the People (June 01, 1887)

Editor of Pamphlets (April 01, 1888)

Editor of Parliamentary Rule (February 01, 1887)

Editor of The People to their Land (April 01, 1887)

Editor of The Politics of Socialism (January 01, 1890)

Editor of Practical Socialism (September 01, 1887)

Editor of A Practical Solution (November 01, 1887)

Editor of Prison Life (August 01, 1887)

Editor of Prisons and Their Effects (July 01, 1887)

Editor of The Propaganda (April 01, 1890)

Editor of Propaganda [Aug, 1890] (August 01, 1890)

Editor of Propaganda [Dec, 1889] (December 01, 1889)

Editor of Propaganda [Dec, 1889][2] (December 01, 1889)

Editor of Propaganda [Nov, 1889] (November 01, 1889)

Editor of Propaganda [Oct, 1890] (October 01, 1890)

Editor of Propaganda [Sep, 1889] (September 01, 1889)

Editor of Propaganda in the East End of London (May 01, 1888)

Editor of Propagandist Literature [Dec, 1889] (December 01, 1889)

Editor of Propagandist Literature [May, 1888] (May 01, 1888)

Editor of Propagandist Literature [Nov, 1889] (November 01, 1889)

Editor of Property [Freedom Journal] (August 01, 1888)

Editor of The Proudhon Library (May 01, 1888)

Editor of Reflections Upon Anarchism (October 01, 1889)

Editor of Remedial Measures (February 01, 1887)

Editor of The Revolt in Russia (April 01, 1887)

Editor of Revolt of the English Workers in the Nineteenth Century, The, Continued [Jun, 1889] (June 01, 1889)

Editor of Revolt of the English Workers in the Nineteenth Century, The, Continued [Sep, 1889] (September 01, 1889)

Editor of Revolt of the English Workers in the Nineteenth Century, The, Part 1 (April 01, 1889)

Editor of Revolutionary Melbourne (June 01, 1889)

Editor of Rocks Ahead (March 01, 1888)

Editor of Russia (April 01, 1890)

Editor of The Russian Peasantry (September 01, 1888)

Editor of A Scene in London (December 01, 1886)

Editor of Scientific Muddles (February 01, 1887)

Editor of Sicilian Miners (October 01, 1890)

Editor of The Situation in France [Apr, 1889] (April 01, 1889)

Editor of The Situation in France [Oct, 1889] (January 01, 1970)

Editor of The Situation in Germany (April 01, 1890)

Editor of Social Democracy and Anarchism (April 01, 1889)

Editor of The Social Movement in Norway (September 01, 1889)

Editor of Socialism and Sex (April 01, 1887)

Editor of Socialism in Scandinavia (August 01, 1890)

Editor of Socialismo O Monopolismo (February 01, 1887)

Editor of Socialist Propaganda (October 01, 1887)

Editor of Society on the Morrow of Revolution [Apr, 1890] (April 01, 1890)

Editor of Society on the Morrow of Revolution [Jan, 1890] (January 01, 1890)

Editor of Society on the Morrow of Revolution [Oct, 1890] (October 01, 1890)

Editor of Some Effects of Reason Worship (March 01, 1888)

Editor of Some Remarks on the Immigrant Scare (May 01, 1888)

Editor of Song of Rebellion (November 01, 1888)

Editor of Spontaneity Again (September 01, 1887)

Editor of Spontaneity (August 01, 1887)

Editor of The Strike Movement in Germany (June 01, 1889)

Editor of Strikes (June 01, 1888)

Editor of The Struggle for Freedom [Apr, 1888] (April 01, 1888)

Editor of The Struggle for Freedom [Aug, 1888] (August 01, 1888)

Editor of The Struggle for Freedom [Dec, 1886] (December 01, 1886)

Editor of The Struggle for Freedom [Feb, 1888] (February 01, 1888)

Editor of The Struggle for Freedom [Jul, 1887] (July 01, 1887)

Editor of The Struggle for Freedom [Jun, 1887] (June 01, 1887)

Editor of The Struggle for Freedom [Jun, 1888] (June 01, 1888)

Editor of The Struggle for Freedom [Mar, 1888] (March 01, 1888)

Editor of Struggle for Freedom, The [May, 1887] (May 01, 1887)

Editor of The Struggle for Freedom [May, 1888] (May 01, 1888)

Editor of The Struggle for Freedom [Nov, 1886] (November 01, 1886)

Editor of The Struggle for Freedom [Nov, 1887] (November 01, 1887)

Editor of The Struggle for Freedom [Oct, 1886] (October 01, 1886)

Editor of The Struggle for Freedom [Oct, 1888] (October 01, 1888)

Editor of The Struggle for Freedom [Sep, 1888] (September 01, 1888)

Editor of The Thermometer of Revolution (December 01, 1886)

Editor of Things of Today [Dec, 1886] (December 01, 1886)

Editor of Things of Today [Feb, 1887] (February 01, 1887)

Editor of The Trade Union Congress (October 01, 1890)

Editor of Treachery and Murder (October 01, 1887)

Editor of The Triumph of Civilization (October 01, 1886)

Editor of A True Anarchist (February 01, 1888)

Editor of The Unemployed in Australia (October 01, 1890)

Editor of Village Life in Dorsetshire (October 01, 1887)

Editor of A Voice from the Dead (February 01, 1888)

Editor of What is Anarchism? (September 01, 1889)

Editor of What Must We Do? (December 01, 1886)

Editor of What Revolution Means (November 01, 1886)

Editor of Who Will Go? (April 01, 1890)

Editor of The Women of the Commune (April 01, 1888)

Editor of Women's Labor (July 01, 1887)

Editor of Work and Organisation (November 01, 1888)

Editor of Work and Social Utility (October 01, 1888)

Editor of Work and Workers in Sheffield (April 01, 1887)

Editor of Work While it is Day (April 01, 1890)

Author of Anarchy (November 30, 1883)

Author of Democracy or Anarchy (November 30, 1883)

Editor of The Permanence of Society After the Revolution (October 01, 1890)

Editor of Practical Questions (July 01, 1887)

Editor of The Use of the Strike (April 01, 1890)

Chronology :

May 06, 1854 : Charlotte Wilson's Birth Day.
April 28, 1944 : Charlotte Wilson's Death Day.
April 16, 2018 : Charlotte Wilson's Added.
January 09, 2022 : Charlotte Wilson's Updated.

Links :

Wikipedia Charlotte Wilson

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