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Now and After: The ABC of Communist AnarchismIn Russia the Bolsheviki, known as the Communist Party, are in control of the government. The Revolution of October,1917, put them in power. That Revolution was the most important event in the world since the French Revolution in 1789- 1793. It was even greater than the latter, because it went much deeper to the rock bottom of society. The French Revolution sought to establish political freedom and equality, believing that it would thereby also secure brotherhood and welfare for all. It was a mighty step in advance on the road of progress and it ultimately changed the entire political face of Europe. It abolished the monarchy in France, established a republic, and gave the death blow to feudalism, to the absolute rule of the church and the nobility. It influenced every country on the Continent along progressive lines, and helped to further democratic sentiment throughout Europe. But fundamentally it altered nothing. It was a polit...